how to play
Tell the players the following:
I will be hiding somewhere on string (string number), between fret (fret number) and fret (fret number)
When I say, “GO!" you can start looking for me
Once you are sure you have found me, stop playing the note and sit quietly keeping your finger on that fret.
Now choose a note in the range you’ve set and play it on another string so they can’t find you by looking at your guitar.
Play it several times and ask the students to listen carefully, you can even get them to sing the note.
Say, “GO!"
Play the note again if anyone asks or someone is struggling to find you.
Once they have all stopped playing, silently assess who has found you and who hasn’t.
Call out the correct fret number.
The first students to win three rounds have won the game.
Play one note and try to determine whether the target note is lower or higher. Then move to a higher or lower fret to get closer to the target.
Learning Outcomes
This game is designed to train a student to recognise when notes are different or the same just be listening to them. Recognising the distance between notes is essential for musicians and this ability starts with first being able to identify two notes as the same.